1. Download shoftware for epson c58
2. Change your setting PC DATE to Nov 9 2006
3. Delete the folder C:\Adjustments_Programs\ on your PC if it exists.
4. Reboot your PC.
5. Just copy it and place to C:\c58\ folder for example.
6. UNZIP file C58.rar
7. RUN AdjProg.exe file. Here is it!
Reset waste ink pad counter
* choose Particular adjustment mode
* Maintenance
* Waste ink pad counter
* Check
* Initialization
download http://www.mediafire.com/?nznhyctirk0
Epson chip resetter, service manual,driver printer epson stylus
Software Resetter for Epson C58
Software Resetter for Epson C79 Counter Reset
Please read carefuly following instructions in order
to run this program without problems:
You have Windows XP to be installed on your PC.
1. Download Adjustment program
2. Change your PC Date to November 10, 2006.
3. Delete the folder C:\Adjustments_Programs\ on your PC if it exists.
4. Reboot your PC.
5. Check properties of this file. There must be CREATION DATE - Nov.10.2006.
6. If it is - it’s ok! If NO - try to do this one more time.
7. UNZIP file C79eap.zip.
8. RUN AdjProg.exe file. Here is it!
To reset waste ink counter;
* choose Particular adjustment mode
* Maintenance
* Waste ink pad counter
* Check
* Initialization
Epson Stylus C58 resetter
Epson Stylus C58
This is the most downloads for reseters ( according to my downloads count )Just download at this link :
http://www.divshare.com/download/964279-91e [...]
Adjustment Program Epson Photo 1390
Here is the link for the properly labeled Epson Photo 1390. Just a correction to the file labeled CX1390.
Epson Photo 1390 Adjustment Program